Individualized Lessons in Voice, Acting, and Piano
Private lessons provide the foundations of personal musical skill and artistry.
Students attend weekly lessons and have solo performance opportunities each season.
New students may schedule a free half-hour trial lesson. Following the trial lesson, lessons may be continued monthly for as long as the student would like to pursue study of their instrument.
PPAC’s private lesson teachers hold degrees in music and teach students at PPAC year-round.
Click here to schedule a trial lesson
Private Lesson Tuition and Policies
Lessons at PPAC begin every 35 minutes so that you receive a full 30 minutes of instruction including student changeover. This is up to 10% more instructional time that you receive at schools that begin lessons every 30 minutes.
Weekly lesson tuition includes four recital performances per year in PPAC's theater.
When you are enrolled in weekly lessons, you may add unlimited additional discounted lessons in the same instrument rate subject to availability of lesson timeslots.
Tuition is billed monthly based on number of lessons in the month.
30-minute weekly lessons: $42.50 per week
60-minute weekly lessons: $76.00 per week
Weekly lesson tuition includes seasonal recital participation
Additional 30-minute one-time lessons in the same instrument: $30
Recital fees, annual fees and registration fees: None
Single lessons may be scheduled as an alterative to recurring weekly lessons, with the following restrictions:
Single lessons may be scheduled only within 5 days of the lesson date into available timeslots. Please email or call us within 5 days of the desired lesson date for our teacher’s current availability.
Single lessons cannot be cancelled, rescheduled, refunded, or credited to future lessons. Please be certain of your attendance before scheduling one-time lessons.
Single lessons do not include recital participation.
Single 30-minute lesson: $45
Single 60-minute lesson: $90
Trial lessons are 30 minutes in length.
Free voice and piano trial lessons are available for students under age 18 trying a new instrument at PPAC. Limit of one free trial lesson per student, two free trial lessons per family.
Adults may schedule one trial voice or piano lesson at a discounted cost of $20. Additional or rescheduled trial lessons are at the regular tuition rate.
Acting trial lessons are $42.50 (regular tuition) for all students.
If you are interested in trying out multiple instruments or teachers, one additional trial lesson for the same student may be scheduled at the regular tuition rate.
Tuition is charged monthly based on the number of weeks in the month.
Tuition for the upcoming month is due by the final lesson date of the current month. If not paid on time, the timeslot may be reassigned to a new student.
Tuition for must be paid for the full month regardless of how many lessons the student plans to attend.
We recommend that you elect AutoPay to prevent loss of your timeslot due to a missed payment.
Once you have reserved a month’s lessons, we pay your teacher for the full month. This includes lessons you are not able to attend for any reason including planned vacations and holidays when the school is open.
To receive a makeup credit, you must cancel your lesson in your online student portal at least 15 minutes before the lesson start time. Your teacher is still paid for the cancelled lesson.
Makeup credits are used only to schedule lessons into other student's cancelled timeslots through your online portal.
Makeup credits have no monetary value and cannot be credited, refunded, carried forward, banked, owed to the student in any manner, or utilized for other activities at PPAC, regardless of whether all makeup credits have been utilized.
There is no time limit to utilize makeup credits, however makeup lessons may not be scheduled beyond the date of your final paid lesson or within 7 days of any lesson for which tuition was credited or not billed due to a school holiday or teacher’s absence, and unused makeup credits expire if lessons are suspended for 12 months.
A maximum of 12 makeup credits may be held per student account at any given time.
There is a deduction of one makeup credit for no-shows (unattended lessons that were not cancelled at least 15 minutes in advance using the student's online portal).
Instructions to cancel and schedule makeup lessons from your online portal
You may schedule makeup lessons using your online portal into other student’s cancelled lesson times subject to availability.
You may schedule up to 4 makeup lessons every 30 days.
You may schedule makeup lessons with any teacher on our faculty and on any instrument taught at the school subject to availability of other student's cancellations.
Tuition for lessons cancelled by PPAC due to snow, instructor illness, or facility conflicts will be credited to your account and deducted from the next month’s invoice. However, if a substitute teacher has been scheduled at the same day and time of the original lesson, there is no tuition credit.
In the event of a public health crisis, inclement weather, power outage, instructor’s inability to travel, or other situations that temporarily prevent in-school lessons, lessons may be held online through Zoom. There is no tuition credit in these situations.
Tuition is not charged for days the school is closed: Memorial Day, July 4th, Labor Day, Thursday and Friday of Thanksgiving week, and winter break (December 24th through January 1st). Tuition is charged for all other days of the year.
If your teacher is out sick or on vacation, another teacher from within our regular faculty may be scheduled to teach your lesson at the regularly scheduled time. Substitute lessons are billed the same as regular lessons. If you prefer to not attend the lesson, you may cancel your lesson in your online portal and receive a non-monetary makeup credit that you may use to schedule a makeup lessons in timeslots cancelled by other students (see Makeup Lessons above).
We strongly encourage you or your child attend lessons with our teachers who may be substituting for your regular teacher. Getting to know our other teachers will make it easier for you to schedule makeup lessons in the future.
Your tuition includes free participation in recitals each year and we encourage all of our students to participate. Participation in recitals optional, however there is no adjustment of tuition for recitals in which a student does not participate.
Recurring lesson schedules may be changed with 7 days notice. If the change of lessons results in additional lesson weeks in the current month, the tuition for the additional weeks must be paid concurrently with the change of schedule. If the change of lessons results in a reduction of lesson weeks in the current month, the excess tuition is credited to the student’s account.
You may stop lessons at the end of any calendar month. However, if a student is performing in a recital, paid lessons must continue until the recital date.
If you have already paid the month’s tuition, you may stop lessons by providing 15 days advance notice. Tuition for lessons more than 15 days from your notice date is credited to your account for future use, but is not refunded.
If you are returning to lessons, please contact us within three days of your start date for currently avalability.
Summer timeslot reservations are $25 per half-hour timeslot, which allows us to pay your teacher in full to hold your timeslot.
Reservations may be placed from mid-June through the end of August, with a 2 consecutive week minimum.
There are no makeup credits given for summer timeslot reservations.
PPAC’s staff routinely photographs and makes audio and video recordings of student performances which we may publish in brochures, posters, in-school displays, on our website, and on our social networking sites. As a condition of enrollment at PPAC, you grant PPAC the right to utilize photos, video, and audio of student performances.
Students will not be personally identified in photo, video, and audio use unless permission is granted by the student (or by the parent if the student is a minor). Removal of a student’s photos or recordings may be requested in writing addressed to the school’s email address. PPAC will make best efforts to comply with exclusion requests, however exclusion requests will not be granted with regards to group photos or videos that include other students or staff.