Musical Theatre Dance Classes
Read all information below before registering
Spring 2025 - Musical Theatre Dance
Instructor: Lesia Kaye
Class Description: Musical Theatre Dance is led by professional dancer and choreographer Lesia Kaye. This class covers styles such as Latin Dance is as seen in Get On Your Feet the Musical, Waltz as seen in Anastasia, Cinderella and Beauty and the Beast, East Coast Swing as seen in Swing Kids, and partner dance as seen in Wicked. These dances reflect the period of the musical and highlight moments when characters cement their relationships. The winter 2025 session focuses on the elements of Rhumba and East Coast Swing.
Schedule: Thursdays March 20 through May 1, 8 PM - 9 PM (EXCEPT April 17) (6 sessions)
Tuition: $180 per student
Eligibility: Middle School and High School Students
Students are expected to attend all sessions. Absences or late arrivals impact to fellow students. Students who miss rehearsal time may have their role(s) reassigned.
Students are expected to exhibit mature, respectful, and attentive behavior at all times during rehearsals, meal breaks, and performances.
Media Release
As a condition of enrollment in PPAC's programs, you agree to permit PPAC to publish photos and videos of your child's rehearsals and performances without limitation on PPAC's website, social media, and marketing materials with no compensation for such use. Student's names will not be published in these materials.
Assignments and At-Home Practice
The instructor will email instructions to prepare for the next class.
Click Below for Schedules and Registration